Contact details, address, and information

Address KG 7 Avenue
Telephone (+250) 252 551 300
Fax none

Website none
Social Media SAHC Kigali on Facebook
Office Hours By appointment
Services available Visa, Passport, Consular services

People and Contacts

Name of person
Mr. M B M Mpahlwa High Commissioner (+250) 252 551 300

South African High Commission in Rwanda (Kigali)

About the South African High Commission in Rwanda (Kigali)

The South African High Commission in Rwanda is located at KG 7 Avenue, Kacyiru, Kigali.

South Africans in Rwanda that need assistance can get in touch with the offices by calling the number provided in the table above. You can also contact the consular section of the High Commission by sending an email to

The South African High Commission in Rwanda offers a range of consular services and can also assist with document legalisation.

It is always advisable to get in touch with the office to confirm which consular services are on offer.

The primary purpose of the SAHC is to assist citizens of South Africa that travel to or live in Rwanda on a more permanent basis. The service officers at the SAHC are also responsible for interviewing citizens of Rwanda that want to travel to South Africa for tourism, educational, or business purposes.

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Need South African documents or services?

Should you require any documentation from South Africa, please let us help you obtain it, by queueing and applying on your behalf within SA, which is much faster than applying from abroad. Complete the form below or contact us and we will respond within 24 hours.

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