Embassy in Mexico Contact details, address, and information

Address 9th Floor, Edificio FORUM
Andrés Bello N°10
Colonia Polanco. Del. Miguel Hidalgo
C.P. 11560 Mexico City
Telephone (+52) 55 1100 4970
Fax (+52) 55 1100 4970
Email malanm@dirco.gov.za
Website www.embajadasudafrica.mx/
Social Media none
Office Hours Monday – Friday 08:00  –  16:00
Services available Visa, Passport, Consular services

People and Contacts

Name of person
Mr. D T Dlomo Ambassador mexico.dha@dirco.gov.za (+52) 55 1100 4970

South African Embassy in Mexico (Mexico City)

About the South African Embassy in Mexico (Mexico City)

The South African Embassy in Mexico is located at Andrés Bello N°10 in Colonia Polanco. Del. Miguel Hidalgo. South Africans in Mexico that need assistance can get in touch with the embassy by calling the office at the number provided in the table above. You can also contact the consular section of the embassy between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm by getting in touch with the Embassy office.

The South African Embassy in Mexico offers a range of consular services including document legalisation as well as visa and passport processing.

It is always advisable to get in touch with the office to confirm which consular services are on offer.

The primary purpose of the Embassy is to assist citizens of South Africa that travel to or live in Mexico on a more permanent basis. The service officers at the South African embassy are also responsible for interviewing citizens of Mexico that want to travel to South Africa for tourism, educational, or business purposes.

The embassy in Mexico City is also accredited to the following countries:

  • Costa Rica
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • El  Salvador
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama

In addition to South Africa’s embassy in Mexico City, South Africa has three other representations in Mexico.These include:

Monterrey Honorary Consul

Address: Boulevard Díaz Ordaz No 200, Colonia Santa Maria, 64650, Monterrey

Tel: (+ 52) 81 8335 5949

Fax: (+ 52) 81 8335 5827

Email: manuelz@prodigy.net.mx


Guadalajara Honorary Consul

Address:  Mexicaltzingo 1665 P.A., Colonia Moderna, 44100, Guadalajara

Tel: (+ 52) 33 3825 7570

Fax: (+ 52) 33 3826 1570

Email: jcg@grupoeco.com


Cancun Honorary Consul

Address: Granada No. 30, Pacifico, Colonia Supermanzana 2A, 77500, Cancun

Tel: (+ 52) 99 8884 9513, (+ 52) 99 8884 1248, (+ 52) 99 8884 2894

Fax: (+ 52) 99 8884 9440

Email: notaria020@prodigy.net.mx


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