Embassy in China: Contact details, address, and information


Address No. 5, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie
Beijing 100600
Telephone (+86) 10 8532 0000
Fax (+86) 10 6532 7319
Email beijingconsular@dirco.gov.za
Website www.dirco.gov.za/beijing/
Social Media none
Office Hours Monday – Friday

08:30 – 12:00
12:45 – 17:00


09:00 – 12:00

Services available Visa, Passport, Consular services

People and Contacts in China


Name of person
H E Dr Siyabonga C Cwele Ambassador beijing.dha@dirco.gov.za (+86) 10 8532 0000

South African Embassy in China (Beijing)

About the South African Embassy in China (Beijing)


The South African Embassy in China is located at No. 5, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie, Beijing. South Africans in China that need assistance can get in touch with the embassy by calling the office at the number provided in the table above.

Besides the Embassy in Beijing, South Africa also has a Consulate General in Shanghai.

The South African Embassy in China offers a range of consular services including document legalisation as well as visa and passport processing.

It is always advisable to get in touch with the office to confirm which consular services are on offer.

The primary purpose of the Embassy is to assist citizens of South Africa that travel to or live in China on a more permanent basis. The service officers at the South African embassy are also responsible for interviewing citizens of China that want to travel to South Africa for tourism, educational, or business purposes.


South African Consulate-General

Address: 27th Floor, Room 2705/5, 222 Yan An Road East, Shanghai

Tel: + 86 21 5359 4977

E-mail: shanghai.dha@dirco.gov.za, dtishanghai@rsaconsulate.com

Website: www.dirco.gov.za/shanghai/


South African Consulate-General in Hong Kong

Address: Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), People’s Republic of China, Room 1906–8, 19F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai

Tel: + 852 3926 4300

E-mail: info@sacg.hk, admin@sacg.hk


See any information that needs updating? Please send a comment to info@apostil.co.za

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