It can be challenging to let go of your South African-bought car when relocating to another country. If you are not ready to sell your SA car, there is a way in which you can relocate your car too. In this post, we will guide you through obtaining a vehicle clearance certificate for South Africa and covering the basics of all the documentation you will need to submit.
What is a vehicle clearance certificate for South African cars?
There were some significant criminal and safety risks that used to accompany South African motor vehicle exportation before 1999. Since the implementation of new export rules came into effect, all vehicles being exported from South Africa must go through police clearance, as set out by the guidelines from the South African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO). Before South African car owners can export a vehicle from a SARPCCO country, they must obtain a Police Clearance Certificate. Depending on your destination country, you will either receive an Export Clearance (ITAC) or a SARPCCO and Export clearance.
List of SARPCCO Countries:
- Angola
- Botswana
- Lesotho
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Tanzania
- South Africa
- Swaziland
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Is a vehicle clearance certificate for South Africa necessary?
The process of clearing a car for export purposes might seem like an unnecessary one, but the clearance certificate acts as a safety net to prove that your vehicle is not stolen or illegally registered. This is also why the Police Clearance Certificate is issued by qualified SAPS officers appointed by clearance officers.
The purpose of export control for vehicles moving out of South Africa and other SARPCCO countries is to regulate security, safety, and technical standards set by domestic laws and International Agreement. When it is verified that registered car owners comply with the conditions set out in their export permits, it regulates the outflow of strategically-natured goods, stolen goods, and smuggled goods.
How do I apply to export my car?
You must apply for your export permit by first applying for a vehicle police clearance in your district.
Here at, we take the hassle out of the paperwork and do the clearance for the permanent export of a vehicle on your behalf. For us to assist you, you will need to provide us with the following documents: (all emailed in scanned PDF format).
Essential document for vehicle clearance:
- Vehicle registration number
- Country/City where the vehicle is registered
- A copy of your ID and your passport
- Proof of address not older than three months
These documents can also assist or speed things up:
- Proof of ownership of the vehicle, or if it is still under finance, an original purchase contract
- Certificate of any tracking devices or Data Dot devices fitted to the vehicle
- A copy of the valid car license
A note on DataDot
Although many vehicles manufactured before 2013 were not fitted with DataDot identification and authentication technology, export laws require that all vehicles be fitted with DataDot before exports will be permitted.
If your car is not currently fitted with DataDot, we can also assist you with this since we have fitment centers in all major provinces. Alternatively, we can send fitment professionals out to your home to have your vehicle fitted with DataDot in the comfort of your home.
After we receive your documentation, we will apply for an Export Permit for Motor Vehicles from ITAC on your behalf. We will also submit the relevant documents from the Department of Transport and the Department of Trade and Industry to Customs and Excise.
How long does the vehicle clearance process take?
Applying for a vehicle clearance certificate without the help of documentation specialists generally takes anywhere between two and six weeks and, once obtained, is valid for 90-days from the date of issue. can assist you in getting your Vehicle Clearance Certificate between 4 and 15 working days of applying (excluding courier time). We can also have it apostilled in as little as 48 hours. See our pricing and contact us now.